You can complete the event to team up with Ghetsis & Kyurem!
Legendary Event: Father or Foe under way!
You can team up with Ghetsis & Kyurem in this event. Ghetsis & Kyurem will be released with their Sync Grid expanded.
With the Prize Box and Event Missions, you will be able to raise the potential and move level of Ghetsis & Kyurem to the highest level.
You can complete battles and progress through the event to team up with Ghetsis & Kyurem!
You can collect Legendary Prize Coins H by completing battles, then use them to pull from the Prize Box!
When you pull a grand prize from the Prize Box, you can move on to the next Prize Box pool.
Grand prizes include 5★-Guaranteed Scout Ticket, Ghetsis & Kyurem’s Custom ★ Power-Ups, and more!
You can earn bonus rewards if you have specific Sync Pairs in your lineup for battles in this event.
The more of these sync pairs you place in your lineup, the more rewards you will obtain!
The lineup bonus is ×1 by default and varies according to which sync pairs are on the team.
Example 1: If you place a ×1.6 Sync Pair and a ×1.2 Sync Pair on your team, you will receive ×1.8 the number of Legendary Prize Coins H.
Example 2: If you place a ×1.6 Sync Pair and a ×1.6 Sync Pair on your team, you will receive ×2.2 the number of Legendary Prize Coins H.
You can take on special missions during the event period.
If you meet certain conditions in event missions, you can earn event medals and acquire Ghetsis & Kyurem more times to level up their moves.
Check the Missions screen to learn more!
May 3, 2021 at 11:00 p.m. - May 19, 2021 at 10:59 p.m.
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