A Message from the Pokémon Masters EX Team (Vol. 65)
Greetings, Trainers.
Up to now, we’ve been bringing you these messages from two producers, Yu Sasaki (producer) and Tetsuya Iguchi (operations producer), but since our organizational structure has changed, starting with this 65th message, Tetsuya Iguchi will be sending them to you as the general producer.
Today, we’ll focus on details about events and Rallies that will be starting during the five-year anniversary, and the new Sync Pairs that will debut.
Pokémon Masters EX will soon reach its fifth year since launch!
The entire development team is elated to be celebrating the five-year milestone this year.
We would like to thank all Trainers for your support up to this point, and we’ll keep working hard so that you can continue to enjoy your adventures on Pasio.
With that said, let’s dive into news about the five-year anniversary!
Next we would like to tell you about Arc Suit Sync Pairs, which are Sync Pairs who have awakened the power of Arc Suits.
Arc Suit Sync Pairs are powerful Sync Pairs that have capabilities specializing in certain types, and are comparable to Master Sync Pairs.
Their major trait is that they have two Arc Suit Passive Skills in addition to their three regular Passive Skills (for a total of up to five Passive Skills).
One Arc Suit Passive Skill will strengthen all allies (with the effect being greater the more Sync Pairs of a certain type there are on the team), and the other will raise all allies’ Type Rebuff of a particular type and lower all opponents’ Type Rebuff of a particular type under certain circumstances.
On top of that, each Arc Suit Sync Pair’s Sync Move will have some kind of additional effect, and tiles on their Sync Grid that can be activated for zero Energy will be added every time their move level is increased.
Additionally, Arc Suit Sync Pairs have a special Role called Multi.
Once a Sync Pair with the Multi Role is raised to 6★ EX, they’ll be able to lower the opponent’s Type Rebuff of a particular type the first time they use their Sync Move each battle.
Please note the following: items based on their EX Role and type will be needed when unlocking the level cap, and the number and kinds of items required will be different than for other Roles.
The overall capabilities of a Sync Pair will depend on their EX Role.
Multi Sync Pairs will receive a bonus for all battles in the Battle Rally (the multiplier will be a little lower than for other Roles).
In the future, we plan to keep adding Arc Suit Sync Pairs as Sync Pairs that are set apart from Master Sync Pairs, which are mainly focused on specializing in particular regions.
Next, we’ll tell you about the Arc Suit Fair, where you can team up with an Arc Suit Sync Pair.
The Arc Suit Fair is a Sync Pair Scout where the offering rate is 1% for the featured Arc Suit Sync Pair, and 12% for 5★ Sync Pairs (including the Arc Suit Sync Pair). You can earn up to 500 Scout Points.
Note: The offering rate is the same as that of Master Fairs, but the number of Scout Points is different.
Like the Master Fair, there are two kinds of Arc Suit Fair: a regular one, and the Special Present! Arc Suit Fair, which can only be used with Paid Gems. In the Special Present! Arc Suit Fair, you can get a present up to 10 times after using the Sync Pair Scout ×11!
You can receive a featured present on your fifth and tenth scouts: one Move Candy exclusively for the featured Arc Suit Sync Pair. You can also get up to 10 Move Candy Coins and Roll Cake Coins of each kind (for a total of 20 of these coins), so we hope you check out these presents.
Please note that the presents you can obtain after using the Sync Pair Scout ×11 in the regular Arc Suit Fair are different from what is described above.
Starting August 31, 2024, you’ll be able to invite Lance as a Guest to the Trainer Lodge!
To invite Lance, you’ll need to team up with Lance & Dragonite first.
You can team up with Lance & Dragonite from the Monthly Poké Fair Scout that will begin on August 31, 2024, so be sure to invite him once you’ve teamed up with this Sync Pair.
Starting August 27, 2024, two 5★ Sync Pairs and four 4★ Sync Pairs will be added to the BP item exchange!
To celebrate the five-year anniversary, one BP Sync Pair Voucher, which can be exchanged for a 5★ Sync Pair, and one BP Sync Pair Super Voucher, which can be exchanged for a 4★ Sync Pair, will be sent to your Present Box, so don’t forget to collect them!
We’re also making 6★ EX available for Morgan & Virizion, who are being added this time, as well as for the previously-added Evelyn & Entei, Nita & Landorus, and Dana & Regice, so be sure to check them out!
The Daily Scout will be revamped starting August 31, 2024.
Following this revamp, the Daily Scout will only offer Sync Pairs, and can be used one time from 11:00 p.m. to 10:59 p.m. on the next day.
Arceus Arc Chapter 1 will be added starting August 27, 2024.
In this story, Cynthia, Steven, and Lance train vigorously to bring out even more power.
Also, the Arceus Cup is announced!
We hope you look forward to more installments of the Arceus Arc, the newest Main Story!
Arc Suit Cynthia & Garchomp arrive as the first-ever Arc Suit Sync Pair!
They’re a Ground-type Multi Sync Pair whose EX Role is Strike.
When they cause a sandstorm, a Passive Skill of theirs can create a Ground Zone!
One of their Arc Suit Passive Skills, Ground Judgment, can lower all opponents’ Ground Type Rebuff, letting them give Ground-type teams a big boost.
Also, their Almighty Rending Earthquake Buddy Move attacks all opponents, and can increase their own Sync Move ↑ Next effect by one rank for each trapped opponent that they attacked (if all opponents are trapped, it will increase by three ranks).
This is the first appearance of the Sync Move ↑ Next effect, which increases the power of a Sync Move the next time it’s used by 10% for each rank (up to 10 ranks total).
Their Greatest Battle! Move can apply the Supereffective ↑ Next effect to themselves and increase their Sync Move ↑ Next effect by five ranks, making them a Sync Pair that can unleash an extremely powerful Sync Move!
Arc Suit Steven & Metagross are a Steel-type Multi Sync Pair. Their EX Role is Support.
They’re just as durable as a typical Support Sync Pair. Not only do they have Potion, but they can restore all allies’ HP by approximately 20% of their maximum HP when Arc Suit Steven & Metagross use their Sync Move, and one of their Passive Skills can restore their own HP after they get hit by an attack move, making them a Sync Pair that excels at healing.
Also, their We’re the Strongest! Trainer Move can raise all allies’ Attack by six stat ranks, increase all allies’ Sync Move ↑ Next effect by three ranks, and raise all allies’ critical-hit rate by up to three stat ranks based on how many slots of the Move Gauge were used.
Plus, when their attack move is successful, one of their Passive Skills can increase the Physical Moves ↑ Next effect of all allies by one rank, meaning they can also support their team’s attacking capabilities.
In addition, their Almighty Flash Bullet Punch Buddy Move lowers all opponents’ Defense and Sp. Def by two stat ranks and raises all allies’ Defense and Sp. Def by two stat ranks. Another Passive Skill of theirs applies the Enduring effect to all allies the first time Arc Suit Steven & Metagross enter each battle, and also applies the Free Move Next effect to themselves when their attack move is successful. Also, when one of their stats gets lowered, another one of their Passive Skills raises that stat the same amount it was lowered, making them a Sync Pair that’s productive in a wide variety of ways.
Arc Suit Lance & Dragonite are a Dragon-type Multi Sync Pair. Their EX Role is Tech!
One of their Passive Skills makes their Hyper Beam and Giga Impact, both of which normally use four slots of the Move Gauge, use only two slots of the Move Gauge, and also turns them into Dragon-type Moves!
Plus, another Passive Skill of theirs lowers the target’s Defense by six stat ranks when their physical attack move is successful, and can also lower the target’s Sp. Def by six stat ranks when their special attack move is successful.
Their Almighty Roar Hyper Beam Buddy Move gets more powerful the more the target’s Defense and Sp. Def are lowered, and their Heroic Ascension Divine Outrage Sync Move gets more powerful the more the target’s Sp. Def is lowered, so try to use these attacks once the opponent’s Defense and Sp. Def have dropped!
By teaming up with Arc Suit Lance & Dragonite, you can get a special Friend Snapshot that will be viewable in the Trainer Lodge, so be sure to check it out.
We also have a Special Battle Event scheduled to celebrate the addition of Chapter 1 of the Arceus Arc.
You can get exclusive Medals from this event and take on Arc Suit Cynthia, Arc Suit Steven, and Arc Suit Lance in battles, so try to step up to the challenge.
Story Event Festive Sun and Moon will begin on August 27, 2024.
Lear holds a grand festival celebrating the development of Pasio!
But something strange happens when Lillie and the others put on new outfits and go all out to enjoy themselves...
You can team up with the debuting Lillie (Anniversary 2024) & Solgaleo by playing this event!
You can also get the “Full-Powered Lillie!” Title, which is exclusive to this event, by completing Missions, so we hope you try to get it.
Also, the exciting Five-Year Anniversary Special Exchange, where the items you can exchange for switch daily, will begin!
You can exchange for various items for five Coins each, and depending on the day, you’ll also be able to exchange 20 Coins for a Roll Cake Coin Voucher, so don’t forget to check it out!
Note: The rewards you can exchange for switch daily at 11:00 p.m.
In addition to the above, we’ve got tons of Rallies and events planned, including a special Log-in Bonus where you can get up to 3,000 Gems, co-op battles where you can earn amazing rewards like a Strike Move Candy Coin every day, and an Extreme Battle Event where various powerful opponents await!
Lots of Sync Pair Scouts are coming your way as well. We’re bringing back the popular Daily 5★-Guaranteed Scout ×11 from last year, which you can use for 10 paid Gems. In addition, three kinds of 5★-Select Poké Fair Scout ×15 will begin, as well as two kinds of 5★-Select Costume Scout ×11, so we hope you give them a look!
We have several updates planned to celebrate the five-year milestone so that Pokémon Masters EX can continue to be enjoyable for everyone.
To start, the development team has two major updates planned for the next six months or so.
The first is the addition of a feature that will allow players to interact and cooperate with each other. We’ll provide more details later, but for now we can say that we’re considering adding elements that will be enjoyable for casual players as well.
The second is the addition of an event themed around a completely new approach to lore and storytelling. We’ll have further information on this as well, but until then, various happenings in the game will gradually reveal what the theme of this event will be, so please be on the lookout for clues.
It’ll further expand the world of Pasio, so we hope you look forward to it!
Also, we’re planning on making more improvements, like the PML Arc revisions we made recently. These will mainly aim to make the game easier to enjoy for new players and those who are returning after a while. For veteran players, we plan to add new training elements.
We hope to provide more details in future messages, so stay tuned!
Our next message is scheduled for late September. In it, we plan to share information about new Sync Pairs and events for October.
We’re always working hard to deliver updates and improvements that make the world of Pokémon Masters EX as fun as possible.
We prioritize Trainers’ feedback throughout the development process, so don’t hesitate to let us know what you think.
Until next time, thank you for playing Pokémon Masters EX.
General Producer: Tetsuya Iguchi
Note: The content mentioned in this message is currently under development. Titles, plans, update content, and update times are all subject to change.
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