December 31, 2024 at 8:00 a.m. (PT)
A Message from the Pokémon Masters EX Team
(Vol. 70)

A Message from the Pokémon Masters EX Team (Vol. 70)

Happy new year, Trainers.

I’m Tetsuya Iguchi, general producer of Pokémon Masters EX, here with a new message for you.
Thanks to your support, we’re entering a new year in Pokémon Masters EX.
The entire development team is dedicated to providing you with the best experience possible, so we hope you continue to enjoy your adventures on Pasio.
Today, we’ll focus on details about events and Rallies for the beginning of the new year.

Story Event Guzzling Glutton’s Target

The Story Event Guzzling Glutton’s Target is under way!
Team Aqua and Team Magma have lost their hideouts due to an attack by some unknown force.
A nefarious plot that threatens the peace on Pasio is taking shape!

Giovanni wearing his new sygna suit will take the stage in this event—and appear as part of a Master Sync Pair!

Sygna Suit Giovanni (Alt.) & Guzzlord

Sygna Suit Giovanni (Alt.) & Guzzlord are a Dark-type Support Sync Pair. Their EX Role is Field.
They can use their Endless Ambition! Move to raise all allies’ Attack and Sp. Atk by two stat ranks and apply the Take Next “All” Move effect to themselves.
The Take Next “All” Move effect is a new status change that causes the user to take more damage when hit by Moves and Sync Moves that target all allies, but it also causes those attacks to miss allies other than the user.
Also, thanks to one of their Passive Skills, when they use their Stockpile Move, they can raise all allies’ Defense and Sp. Def by three stat ranks and increase all allies’ Sync Move ↑ Next effect by two ranks.
Plus, their Guzzling Swallow Buddy Move, which can be activated when they use their Stockpile Move, restores all allies’ HP. Their Gorging Crunch Buddy Move can be activated when their Defense and Sp. Def total six stat ranks or higher, and it lets them unleash a powerful attack against one opponent.
Another Passive Skill of theirs restores one MP of their Trainer Move when they use a Buddy Move, so make good use of their Buddy Move and the Take Next “All” Move effect to gain the upper hand in battle!

We’ve also added the #HailGiovanni Hashtag, which you can set in your Profile, as well as a Team Rocket–themed photo background and Frame, so we hope you make use of them.
In addition, an Extreme Battle Event is also scheduled, as well as an event in mid-January from which you can earn a special Team Rocket Title.
We hope you look forward to it!

Other Events and Updates

Starting December 31, 2024 at 11:00 p.m., a Log-in Bonus from which you can get up to 5,000 Gems will begin, as well as another Log-in Bonus that offers Tickets you can exchange for items such as Move Candy Coins and Roll Cake Coins of each kind.
We’re also planning the New Year’s Gem Present Rally, which randomly awards up to 60,000 Gems to players who log in during the Rally period, so be sure to check it out!
Plus, Lucas & Torterra will make their debut in the Mix Scout, and another wave of existing Fair-Exclusive Sync Pairs will get Superawakening added.

Three kinds of 5★-Select Poké Fair Scout ×15 will begin on January 1, 2025, and a seasonal Story Event will start on January 2, 2025, so we hope you look forward to these as well.

Future Updates

With the app update in late January, we will add a feature that lets players interact and cooperate with each other, which we mentioned in our message at the five-year anniversary!
This feature will allow any player to create a community. Within such communities, players will be able to interact with each other using set phrases and exclusive emotes. There will also be special Missions and Log-in Bonuses that are exclusive to communities.
We hope you’ll enjoy your adventures on Pasio even more as you meet and interact with others who like the same Pokémon and Trainers you do—or those with a similar play style.
We hope to provide more details in our next message, so stay tuned!

What to Expect in the Next Message

Our next message is scheduled for late January.
In it, we plan to share information about new Sync Pairs and events for February.

We’re always working hard to deliver updates and improvements that make the world of Pokémon Masters EX as fun as possible.

We prioritize Trainers’ feedback throughout the development process, so don’t hesitate to let us know what you think.
Until next time, thank you for playing Pokémon Masters EX.

General Producer: Tetsuya Iguchi

Note: The content mentioned in this message is currently under development. Titles, plans, update content, and update times are all subject to change.

  • Pokémon Masters EX
  • Genre: Strategy and battling game
  • Compatible OS: iOS/Android
  • Price: Free-to-start (purchasable in-game items)