June 22, 2021 at 11:00 p.m. (PT)
Present Box

Present Box Changes

Players who have a lot of gear stored in their Present Box have been experiencing an error on the title screen that prevents the game from starting.

We have determined that an excess amount of data in the Temp Storage and Claimed sections of the Present Box prevents the game from loading player data at startup.
For this reason, we are making the following changes to the Present Box.


  • The amount of gear stored in the Temp Storage section of the Present Box will be changed from unlimited to 1000 items max.
    Note: Items in excess of this limit will be deleted, beginning with the oldest items.
  • The amount of gear displayed in the Claimed section of the Present Box will be changed from unlimited to 1000 items max.
    Note: Items in excess of this limit will be deleted, beginning with the oldest items.

Date/Time of Implementation

Approximately June 29, 2021 at 11:00 p.m.

Note: Gear that is in the Temp Storage or Claimed sections before June 29, 2021 at 11:00 p.m. will not be immediately deleted even if it exceeds the 1000 item limit.
Please do note, however, that Temp Storage and Claimed sections each have storage time and display time limits. Expired presents will be deleted automatically. Please make sure to claim any items in Temp Storage as soon as possible.


  • The content and dates detailed above are subject to change without notice.

We hope you continue to enjoy Pokémon Masters EX.

  • Pokémon Masters EX
  • Genre: Strategy and battling game
  • Compatible OS: iOS/Android
  • Price: Free-to-start (purchasable in-game items)