July 31, 2022 at 10:00 p.m. (PT)
New region added to the
Champion Stadium!

Hoenn Challenge added to the Champion Stadium!

The new Hoenn Challenge battles have been added to the Champion Stadium!

Hoenn Challenge Available Now!

You can check out the Champion Stadium Hoenn Challenge during the time period below.
Defeat powerful opponents for a chance to enter the Hall of Fame!

Hoenn Challenge Date/Time

July 31, 2022 at 10:00 p.m. - September 4, 2022 at 9:59 p.m.

Steven and Wallace are now available as Champions in the Hoenn Challenge!
Note: Each week, either Steven or Wallace will appear as Champion.
Try testing your strength against both Champions!

Master Mode

You can unlock master mode for a region by entering all 18 types of sync pairs into the Hall of Fame and completing the medal for that region.
In master mode, you can give your opponent advantages by selecting from a range of different options before battle. If you win, you will earn points based on the options you selected.
You can earn various rewards throughout the week each time your point total from the five battles against the Elite Four and Champion exceed a specified amount.

Total Point Reward Example

  • 5★ Power-Up Ticket ×5
  • Support Move Candy Coin ×1
  • 5★ Power-Up ×1
  • Champion Spirit ×10
  • Battle Point ×15
  • Skill Sphere ×100
  • Co-op Sync Orb ×2,000

Note: Details about points and rewards can be found in the Champion Stadium Rewards section.
Note: Even if you have completed the Medal in the Kanto Challenge or elsewhere, you will still need to complete the Medal in the Hoenn Challenge in order to unlock Master Mode for the Hoenn Challenge.

Once you have entered the Hall of Fame for the week, you can reset your battle progress and retry battles as many times as you want.
This will allow you to combine different options and try out different approaches to taking on the same opponents.

Try strengthening your opponent using various options and defeat them to earn more points for rewards.


  • You can participate in the Champion Stadium after you complete Main Story Chapter 10: A Reason to Battle (Normal) in single-player and collect all PML Badges.
  • To attempt the Hoenn Challenge, you must have completed the Kanto Challenge on Normal difficulty.
  • Only Normal difficulty for the Kanto Challenge will remain available outside of the Kanto Challenge event.
  • Medal acquisition and Hall of Fame information will be saved for each region regardless of event date/time.
  • Total point rewards will reset every week at the time listed below to coincide with the Champion Stadium changeover.
    Reset Time: Sunday at 10:00 p.m.
  • The time period and featured content are subject to change without notice.

We hope you continue to enjoy Pokémon Masters EX.

  • Pokémon Masters EX
  • Genre: Strategy and battling game
  • Compatible OS: iOS/Android
  • Price: Free-to-start (purchasable in-game items)

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