Trainer Gyms: Gym Rank and Gym Missions
The number of Gym Points that your gym accumulates during the season will determine its Gym Rank for the next season.
Gym Ranks are divided into S, A, B, C, and -, and you will receive rewards based on your Gym Rank at the end of the season.
Work with your fellow gym members to earn as many Gym Points as possible and aim for the highest Gym Rank!
Gym Missions include season missions and limited-time missions, which are both made up of solo missions and group missions.
Solo missions are Missions meant to be completed on your own.
Conversely, group missions are Missions designed to be completed by all of a gym’s members.
You can earn the Gym Points needed to raise your Gym Rank by completing the group missions for that season.
Work together with your fellow gym members to complete Gym Missions!